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  • MS Series

    Big River Harp

Innovative Harmonica Design

The Journeyman Harp

Imagine sitting on a paddle steamer, slowly floating down the Mississippi. The sun is shining, and you look over the rail while there’s music playing. The Big River Harp perfectly captures this spirit of the Mississippi delta, freedom, and tranquility – hence the name. It’s the perfect starting point for your first expeditions into the world of western, folk or Nashville style country.

Sound example: Blues

Sound example: Melody

Sound example: Folksong

Reed plates (material, thickness): brass, 0.9 mm
Reed plates (surface): brass
Reeds (number, material): 20, brass
Comb (material, color): ABS, black
Comb (finish): ABS
Mouthpiece (surface): ABS
Cover plates: stainless steel
Keys: F#, F, E, Eb, D, Db, C, B(H), Bb, A, Ab, G
Type: diatonic
Tuning: Richter
Number of holes: 10
Tonal range: 3 octaves
Length: 10.5 cm / 4.1"
Online catalogueTuning charts