In every walk of life, professional service costs money. Some of these services you could do yourself, some you can’t. Retuning a piano, for example, is probably one of the latter things – but the cost of a new piano would far outweigh that of a professional retuning. In comparison to pianos, most harmonicas are quite inexpensive, so the expense of having us fix a stuck reed on your beloved Blues Harp© would probably be greater than the price of a new instrument. But if you have a valuable instrument such as a high-end chromatic or orchestra instrument, we’ll be happy to send you an estimate if you contact us using the contact form.
Please bear in mind that we’ll need to examine the instrument in order to do this and will levy a service fee for this inspection. For general repairs, we recommend you contact one of our Accredited Hohner Harmonica Service Technicians (see below).
Warranty conditions: Please refer all claims within the warranty period to the retailer from whom you bought the instrument.